Join Us

Joining is really, really easy. All you have to do is be enrolled at Corne...Wait! You don't even have to be a student at Cornell to be in the Big Red Marching Band! able to get to Cornell for rehersals on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 9:00 PM, Fridays at 4:45 PM, and game days on Saturdays in the fall. If you can't, we're flexible about that too! For more information or to join, come to one of our rehersals or contact one of our section leaders below:

Skylar * | Class of 2026 | Major: Material Science Engineering | Hometown: Syracuse NY
Fundraising chair, Showcomm^2
Hi! I’m Skylar! I’m a 2024-2025 season section leader! My favorite color is green and my favorite treat are macarons. I joined band during my freshman year and have had a blast!
“Do NOT… sell marijaunna to my husband.”